The Frogs Story
Buy a $0.50 frog sticker and donate to the Amazon Forest!

About Me

fun facts about me

  1. I am a triple Saggitarius.
  2. I am vegetarian
  3. I like playing chess, but would never complete in tournaments. I have learned every opening since the 1700s, and it would be unfair to the regular humans

My favorite frogs

black rain frog mossy frog
Commonly Known Name Scientific Name Why I Like Them
Black Rain Breviceps fuscus They are my favorite color (black) and have a funny frown on their face all the time
Mossy Frog Theloderma corticale They look like moss! All bumpy looking.

My agenda as The Ally

The Frogs society did not last forever, which I grieve everyday. Their last wish for me was to protect all the other unevolved frogs

Climate destruction is destroying many frogs' habitat

My current goal is to protect a huge habitat for rare frogs - the Amazon Forest

Buy a $0.50 frog sticker and donate to the Amazon Forest!
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.