About The Ally
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Frog Society Story

The society's beginning, and the ally

image of an interaction in The Frogs' society


In the late 1700s, for about 6 years, Earth's environment had the ideal conditions that allowed frogs to evolve to have a society as regal and complex as human society. A little girl discovered The Frogs civilization when she went to her nearest lake to take some tadpoles and raise them for her science project. The Frogs were initially indignant and traumatized by her intentions, but decided to explain their feelings calmly, as they recognized she was a child in human years. She was won over by their small world, and became The Frogs' friend. Her strong committment to the success of their society earned her the title of The Ally.

This website was made by The Ally herself.

Learn about The Ally and her agenda
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.